3 Morning Preschool

Ages 3 years before September 1

Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, 9:00-11:45am

For young children ready for a drop-off experience, this preschool program balances the three essential components of an age-appropriate curriculum: large motor play, structured group time, and play-based learning. We begin our day with large motor play, either on our private outdoor playground or in our indoor padded space, to develop body awareness and large motor skills. Then we transition to free play in the classroom, where children can choose from any of our top-quality educational and inspirational toys (kitchen center, ramps, blocks, and more). Here, teachers facilitate social skills and guide children to expand on their own curiosities and interests. Simple art projects and sensory-based mediums encourage creativity and develop fine motor skills. At the end of our day, we gather for group time. This daily team building helps us learn to listen, take turns, and share our ideas.


Twos Program


Preschool: 5 Mornings